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The UNC School of Medicine seeks a Director of a Health Systems Science (HSS) Curriculum for Graduate Medical Education. The role will help support UNC’s project for the American Medical Association Reimagining Residency Grant.

The UNC School of Medicine seeks a Director of a Health Systems Science (HSS) Curriculum for Graduate Medical Education. The role will help support UNC’s project for the American Medical Association Reimagining Residency Grant.

The UNC School of Medicine seeks a Director of a Health Systems Science (HSS) Curriculum for Graduate Medical Education. The role will help support UNC’s project for the American Medical Association Reimagining Residency Grant. Key roles and responsibilities include:

  • Needs assessment of current implementation of HSS topics in residency programs across UNC and partner institutions
    • Leadership in medicine
    • Team-based care
    • Quality improvement and safety
    • Social determinates of health and the impact on patient care
    • Systems-based practice, etc.
  • Development and implementation of a HSS curriculum for GME that can be disseminated state-wide
  • Development of meaningful metrics for evaluation of the curriculum

The position will work closely with the school of medicine social and health systems science (SHS) faculty to develop a robust curriculum that builds on the UME curriculum. The position is grant supported at 20% FTE to the NIH cap.

Interested applicants should send a CV and Letter of Intent to Clark Denniston, MD ( by January 21st, 2020