Beginning April 1, a new Behavioral Rapid Response Team at UNC Hospitals will respond to behavioral health emergencies for staff, family, and patients who may be at-risk to themselves or others and are outside of UNC Hospitals’ inpatient psychiatric areas.

The Behavioral Rapid Response Team will provide a prompt response to these situations in order to contain the situation, protect the patient, visitor, staff member, or others in the vicinity, and provide necessary medical and/or psychiatric attention for the affected individual.
Note that the Behavioral Response Team is not meant to handle elopement risks. For inpatients that have been identified as at-risk for elopement and who leave the unit without notice, refer to UNC Hospitals Policy ADMIN #0203, “Code Walker.”
The team will consist of the medical and psychiatric clinical staff as well as Hospital Police Behavioral emergencies on the unit should still be referred to the appropriate medical teams. The emergency response can be activated by calling (919) 966-4111, stating need for “Behavioral Response Team,” and the location.
Please refer to the Behavioral Response Team policy for more detailed information.