Dragon Medical 360 Network Edition Dictation is the dictation tool selected for provider voice transcription recognition in Epic@UNC. As with all aspects of Epic@UNC, training is required before clinicians providers receive a Dragon login/password and any appropriate hardware.

What has been done (or will be done) before Go-Live #1:
ISD is working with the Epic@UNC Training team to install Dragon software on UNC Health Care PCs of providers who have completed Dragon training. Providers receive a headset when attending Dragon training at Learning Street.
ISD is deploying software and power microphones in workrooms across UNC Hospitals, the Ambulatory Care Center, Chatham Hospital, and clinics on the UNC Healthway. Power microphones are not available for individual offices or home use at this time.
For providers in clinics serviced by the School of Medicine’s Office of Information Systems (UNC Family Medicine, etc.), ISD is working with OIS to ensure software is available in workrooms by April 4, 2014. Please contact OIS regarding any questions or concerns.
The plan after Go-Live #1
After Go-Live #1, ISD will continue to expand the installation of Dragon software and hardware to our outpatient clinics beyond the Healthway Hwy. 54 corridor, with clinics whose physicians have already attended Dragon training as the first priority.
The plan for Go-Live #2 locations
Beginning in early May, ISD will begin to install Dragon software and hardware at Go-Live #2 locations, beginning at Rex Hospital and again moving to outpatient clinics.
The plan after Go-Live #2
Once Go-Live #2 is complete, ISD plans to re-evaluate the possibility of making Dragon software/hardware available for use in individual clinicians’ offices and for home use. Stay tuned for more information later in 2014.
If you have any questions about Dragon dictation and the equipment you will have available to use at Epic@UNC Go-Live, use the “HEAT Cloud” Help Desk service to send in your question. The goal is to respond to any non-urgent questions within 2-3 days.
If you have not yet completed Dragon training, send an email to epictraining@unch.unc.edu or call the Training Customer Service Center at 919-445-7188 between 7 a.m. – 10 p.m., Monday through Friday, and 7 a.m. – 7 p.m. Saturday to schedule your training.