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In order to optimize the safety and efficacy of vancomycin and aminoglycoside therapies, pharmacists have been integrally involved in facilitating the dosing and monitoring of these agents at UNC Hospitals. A new Vancomycin and Aminoglycoside Pharmacy-to-Dose Protocol has been approved by the P&T and the Medical Staff Executive Committees.

In order to optimize the safety and efficacy of vancomycin and aminoglycoside therapies, pharmacists have been integrally involved in facilitating the dosing and monitoring of these agents at UNC Hospitals. A new Vancomycin and Aminoglycoside Pharmacy-to-Dose Protocol has been approved by the P&T and the Medical Staff Executive Committees.

The protocol endorses a more streamlined approach to the dosing and monitoring of these medication and will allow inpatient clinical pharmacists to enter orders to dose, monitor and adjust these medications. These orders will be entered by pharmacists according to the protocol and will require co-signature by providers.

This protocol is live as of Sept. 23. A new choice is now available in Epic@UNC to order these medications through an order panel (i.e., Vancomycin IV Panel, Gentamycin IV Panel, etc.), which contains a consult to pharmacy requesting pharmacy-to-dose services. These order panels will be the only available orderable route for IV vancomycin and IV aminoglycosides on the facility list. When this panel is used, and the consult is selected, the protocol will be initiated, and pharmacists will take responsibility for dosing, monitoring, and adjusting these medications.

This service is being provided to support the medical teams and to assist in providing quality patient care. If you have questions about this protocol, please contact Lindsay Daniels at or pager 919-216-2389.