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With the full support of the UNC Health Care Board of Directors, UNC Hospitals and UNC Faculty Physicians implemented market and merit salary increases Jan. 3, 2016, that will be reflected in the Jan. 27, 2016, pay deposit for eligible employees.

The details of market and merit increases for eligible employees are provided below:

  • Market Increase: The market % increase is based on your individual Compa-ratio (your current rate of pay in relation to the pay range market reference point for your job class). To be eligible for a market increase, you must have been hired and active on or before Nov. 9, 2015, and free of final written warning status or suspension without pay as of Sept. 30, 2015. No lump sum will be paid above the pay range maximum for a market increase.
  • Merit Increase: The merit % increase is based on your individual performance score. To be eligible for a merit increase, you must have completed your probationary period by Dec. 31, 2015 and be free of any written warning status or suspension without pay as of Sept. 30, 2015.
  • Pay Deposit Date: The increase is effective Jan. 3, 2016, and will be reflected in your Jan. 27, 2016, pay deposit. Please refer to your electronic pay statement, which will be available Friday, Jan. 22, 2016, for specific details. You can access pay advices online here. If you have further questions, please contact your manager.

Market Increase based on Compa-ratio


Market Increase %

Less than 91%


91% – 110.9%


111% – Pay Range Max


Above Pay Range Max


Merit Increase based on Individual Performance Score

Performance Rating


Merit Increase %

5 – Distinguished Contributor

4.25 – 5.00


4 – Key Contributor

3.25 – 4.24


3 – Valued Contributor

2.25 – 3.24


2 – Improving Contributor

1.25 – 2.24


1 – Noncompliant

1.00 – 1.24


  • Hourly Rates of Pay Moving to 2 Decimals: Effective Jan. 3, 2016, employee hourly rates of pay will be rounded up from 4 decimals to 2 decimals. This change aligns the format of hourly rates of pay with other UNC Health Care affiliates. Examples of rounding to 2 decimals are below:

Current Pay Rate

(4 decimals)

New Pay Rate

(2 decimals)

Example 1



Example 2



Example 3



These market and merit increases, together with our Employee Incentive Plan, Longevity Pay, Health Insurance Special Pay (HISP), and PTO Sell-Back program, are all elements of our total compensation package for UNC Hospitals and UNC Faculty Physicians employees.

Again, thanks to each of you for your contribution to UNC Hospitals and UNC Faculty Physicians’ excellent performance in FY15 and your continued dedication to the people of North Carolina.