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This statement from Nancy Maeder, senior director of Programs and Operations at the Ronald McDonald House, explains the new referral process on the revamped website.

This statement from Nancy Maeder, senior director of Programs and Operations at the Ronald McDonald House, explains the new referral process on the revamped website.

We’re excited to announce that we have a new website. It just went live yesterday! We don’t have all of the “bugs” worked out just yet, but we are ready to start using it. An important change is the location of the referral and family information.

To get to the online referral form please follow these steps:

1) Our webpage is the same –

2) In the top-left corner you will see a small link that says “Request a Room”

3) Once you click the link you go to a page with two options: “For Families” and “For Medical Pros.” The family section is accessible to anyone and has general information for families. You’ll notice there is the option for a RETURN family to place an online request for a future room. First-time families (or those who haven’t been at the RMH for 18 months) still need a referral from someone at the hospital.

The “For Medical Pros” section is password protected, as we don’t want families making their own first-time referrals. The password is: Ronald!Med

4) Things should be self-explanatory from there. There is still the option to complete a PDF form and fax it to us, but we highly prefer the online form. We have totally revamped this in the hope of making it easier to complete. Most of the fields are required, however. One big change is that we are requesting the email addresses for families. We also really need to have a fair estimate of length of stay and the specific names of the family members who will be staying.

Family Information Packets and HU Bus Schedules are also there in PDF version, or you can simply give families the website information and they can get both these items from the “For Families” section.

Feel free to call us if you have questions. And, please pass this along to others who may need the information. We welcome your feedback as we fine-tune the site.

Thanks, as always, for your partnership!

Kind regards,

Nancy Maeder
Senior Director of Programs & Operations
Ronald McDonald House of Chapel Hill, Inc.
101 Old Mason Farm Rd
Chapel Hill, NC 27517