Beginning Tuesday, May 3, the televisions in UNC Hospitals patient rooms will be reprogrammed to begin using a digital signal. This process will provide a better picture and more channels for our patients.
Beginning Tuesday, May 3, the televisions in UNC Hospitals patient rooms will be reprogrammed to begin using a digital signal. This process will provide a better picture and more channels for our patients.
Contractors from Time Warner Cable must reprogram each TV – a process that takes approximately 10 minutes per TV. There also will be brief localized TV outages as workers begin the conversion process in each building (see schedule below).
Schedule for Digital TV conversion
Beginning Tuesday, May 3: N.C. Cancer Hospital
- TV outage at 8:30 a.m. for approximately 30 minutes
Beginning Wednesday, May 4: N.C. Women’s and Children’s Hospitals
- TV outage at 8:30 a.m. for approximately 30 minutes
Beginning Monday, May 9: N.C. Neurosciences Hospital
- TV outage at 8:30 a.m., for approximately 30 minutes
Beginning Wednesday, May 11, in Anderson Pavilion
- TV outage at 8:30 a.m., for approximately 30 minutes
Beginning Monday, May 16, in NC. Memorial Hospital, Bedtower
- TV outage at 8:30 a.m., for approximately 30 minutes
- Find the channel listing during the digital conversion here and the post-conversion channel listing here.
- The workers performing this work are instructed to check-in to the nurses station on each unit as they arrive. Workers also are instructed to knock and ask before entering any patient room.
- To immediately report issues during implementation (until May 23) please call ISD at 984-974-4357.
- If issues after re-programming after May 23, please call Plant Engineering Work Control at 984-974-0300.