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In the run-up to World Autism Day on Monday, April 2, the moms who run the Spawned podcast interviewed Laura Klinger, PhD, about various issues related to autism, including the latest research developments.

In the run-up to World Autism Day on Monday, April 2, the moms who run the Spawned podcast interviewed Laura Klinger, PhD, about various issues related to autism, including the latest research developments.

Laura Klinger, PhD

Check out the Spawned podcast, featuring Laura Klinger, PhD, director of the UNC TEACCH Autism Program and associate professor of psychiatry at the UNC School of Medicine. Scan down the “cool mom picks” website to find the podcast player or subscribe to the podcast on iTunes.

The hosts asked Dr. Klinger everything from how to refer to kids on the autism spectrum, to what’s new on the research front related to causation and treatment. They even asked her about vaccinations.

From the hosts of the podcast: “Whether you have children with Autism or not, we think this is an important topic, and one that parents need to hear. We need more empathy and compassion in this world, and as you’ve heard us say before, that starts with our kids.”