UNC School of Medicine celebrated Spring Medical Alumni Weekend and Milestone Reunions April 13-14 and welcomed a new era in Medical Alumni Association leadership.
UNC School of Medicine celebrated Spring Medical Alumni Weekend and Milestone Reunions April 13-14 and welcomed a new era in Medical Alumni Association leadership.
UNC School of Medicine celebrated Spring Medical Alumni Weekend and Milestone Reunions April 13-14 and welcomed a new era in Medical Alumni Association leadership.
Katrina Howard Avery, MD ’91, was named the first ever African-American president of the Medical Alumni Association, joined by Lucius Blanchard, Jr., MD ’68 as president-elect, Wesley C. “Cas” Fowler, III, MD, as vice president, and Sheryl Jordan, MD ’85 as secretary/treasurer.
Frederick M. Dula, MD ’81, presided over Friday’s meetings and the Distinguished Medical Alumni Awards before passing the baton of president to Avery. Dean William L. Roper awarded four honors on behalf of the School of Medicine:
- Lucius Blanchard, Jr., MD ’68 Distinguished Medical Alumnus Award
- Lisa A. Cooper, MD ’88, MPH Distinguished Medical Alumna Award
- James E. Crowe, Jr., MD ’87 Distinguished Medical Alumnus Award
- Warren P. Newton, MD, MPH Distinguished Faculty Award
Additional weekend highlights were:
- The National Loyalty Fund Committee reviewed the impact the $1 Million annual Loyalty Fund has on student enrichment, faculty support and greatest needs at the School of Medicine. Alumni funding provided 82 scholarships this academic year.
- Vice Dean for Education Julie Byerley, MD, MPH, and Vice Dean for Strategic Initiatives Cam Enarson, MD, MBA shared plans with alumni for the new UNC Medical Education Building, slated for completion in 2021. Plans for the building are part of a broader goal to raise $1 Billion for UNC Medicine in the Campaign for Carolina.
- Thomas C. Shea, MD ’78, John William Pope Distinguished Professor, UNC Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center, delivered a talk sharing an exciting development in cancer research: “What are CAR T Cells? And Who Can (or Might) Benefit From Them?” UNC is leading the way in genetically modifying a patient’s own cells to fight their cancer. (FYI link: https://unclineberger.org/news/cellular-immunotherapy-trials)
- Whitehead Medical Society hosted the 6th annual Larry Keith Advisory College Student Speech Competition, “What I’ve Learned in Medical School.” Five students shared personal stories of lessons learned beyond the classroom.
- From 1958 to 2008, classes ending in 3 and 8 celebrated their 60th to 10th milestone reunions.
Fall Medical Alumni Weekend will take place October 12-13, 2018. The weekend’s meetings are open to all alumni, residents, fellows, faculty and medical students: Please mark your calendars!