Please read this message from Gary Park, President of UNC Hospitals, about our recruitment efforts for the Heart Walk and how you can get involved.
Please read this message from Gary Park, President of UNC Hospitals, about our recruitment efforts for the Heart Walk and how you can get involved.
I am pleased to announce that we are well on our way to our system goal of 150 teams for the AHA Triangle Heart Walk. While we do have a large number of teams we still need more walkers.
We currently have 406 registered but need 900 more to reach our goal. Please consider joining a team and recruiting a friend to join you. Once again, we want Carolina Blue to be the dominant color at the Heart Walk on Sunday, September 23.
Signing up is easy and there is no registration fee.
1. Visit
2. Select the “Join a Team” button and then complete your registration.
3. Personalize your page with a photo and send emails inviting others (employees, friends, and family) to join the team and donate.
See below for details about the Heart Walk:
Triangle Heart Walk
Sunday, September 23, 2018
PNC Arena | Raleigh, NC
Festivities begin 12:30 pm
Walk starts at 2:00 pm
(1 & 3-mile options)
If you have any questions or need help, contact Kristen Proctor at the AHA at or at 919.463.8348.
Thank you.
Gary L. Park │ President| UNC Hospitals
Lauren E. Kearns, MSN, RN-BC │ Associate Vice President – Operations | UNC Hospitals