Site preparations for the new surgical tower are scheduled to begin on Monday, Oct. 22, when construction fencing will begin to go up around the site. Here’ s what to expect in the next few weeks.
- To ensure the quickest access for our patients and guests, effective immediately the ‘Kiss and Go Lane’ and staff drop-off must be done at Jackson Circle – between the Jackson parking deck and the Physician’s Office Building.
- Staff are encouraged to use the Cancer Hospital entrance near the pharmacy when entering and exiting the front of the hospital.
- In the coming month, you will see a number of changes (demolition of Bridge A, changes to the traffic pattern on Hospital Drive, closure of Memorial and Children’s entrances). Dates and times will be shared as they become available. Please remember that you may need to arrive on campus slightly earlier than usual to reach your work area on time.
- More information about the project may be found on the UNC Medical Center website (UNC SOM employees should use this link) or at this UNC Health Care intranet site. Questions about the Surgical Tower and its impacts should be submitted to