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The State Health Inspector will be visiting UNC Hospitals Chapel Hill campus on Monday, May 13; Thursday May 23; Tuesday May 28; Wednesday May 29; and Monday June 3.

The State Health Inspector will be visiting UNC Hospitals Chapel Hill campus on
Monday, May 13; Thursday May 23; Tuesday May 28; Wednesday May 29; and Monday June 3.

Any findings from the Health Inspector for Plant Engineering are usually handled by Work Order. A member of Environmental Services will also accompany the inspector to resolve any EVS issues.

For the non-kitchen portions of the tours, the inspector will review restrooms, EVS closets, clean and soiled holding/utility rooms, clean supply rooms, water fountain operations and nutrition/pantry rooms as well as storage areas for children’s toys and patient belongings.

Hillsborough hospital was visited at a different time and will not be reviewed as part of this effort.