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The MSEC consists of the officers of the Medical Staff, the Department Chairs, the Chief Nursing Officer, the Deans of the Schools of Medicine and Dentistry, the President of the House Staff Council, the President of UNC Faculty Physicians, and the President of UNC Hospitals. The MSEC acts on behalf of the Medical Staff on issues related to all aspects of medical practice. It receives reports on hospital operations, GME, and Nursing.

Congratulations to the newly elected at-large members of the Medical Staff Executive Committee. The new members, who will serve a 2-year term, include:

  • Stuart Gold, Pediatrics / Hematology-Oncology
  • Gary Winzelberg, Medicine / Geriatrics
  • Lavinia Kolarczyk, Anesthesiology

Also, a huge thanks to our departing members whose terms have expired – Trevor Hackman, Gretchen Stuart, and Moe Lim.

The MSEC consists of the officers of the Medical Staff, the Department Chairs, the Chief Nursing Officer, the Deans of the Schools of Medicine and Dentistry, the President of the House Staff Council, the President of UNC Faculty Physicians, and the President of UNC Hospitals. The MSEC acts on behalf of the Medical Staff on issues related to all aspects of medical practice. It receives reports on hospital operations, GME, and Nursing. The MSEC also receives and acts on reports and recommendations from Medical Staff committees and Hospitals departments. The committee is responsible for making recommendations to the Board of Directors on issues related to Rules and Regulations of the Medical Staff, mechanisms to review credentials and delineate clinical privileges, and performance improvement activities.