Last week, the School of Medicine hosted the 2019 Women in Medicine Conference. The event was co-sponsored by the Office of Medical Education, Office of Faculty Affairs and Leadership Development, and the Association of Professional Women in Medical Sciences.

Last week, the School of Medicine hosted the 2019 Women in Medicine Conference. The event was co-sponsored by the Office of Medical Education, Office of Faculty Affairs and Leadership Development, and the Association of Professional Women in Medical Sciences.

On Friday, October 4, 2019, the Office of Medical Education, Office of Faculty Affairs and Leadership Development, and the Association of Professional Women in Medical Sciences (APWIMS) hosted the 2019 Women in Medicine Conference.
The event opened with remarks from Amelia Drake, MD, FACS and Alison Hollis on opportunities for women in medical sciences to engage with one another. Executive Dean Cristy Page, MD, MPH gave a heartfelt and inspiring keynote address on finding and anchoring oneself to joy. A panel discussion, moderated by the APWIMS President Wanda Nicholson, MD, MPH, MBA, followed where women leaders in the Schools of Medicine and Dentistry shared their experiences as women, physicians, researchers, educators, daughters, mothers, friends, and more. The following women were on the panel: Lianne de Serres, MD, MS, Ana Felix, MBBCh, FAAN, Kenya McNeal-Trice, MD, Leslie Parise, PhD, and Jennifer Webster-Cyriaque, PhD, DDS. Finally, Georgette Dent, MD closed the conference with remarks on take-a-ways for the day and an expression of gratitude for the speakers and participants.
This annual event is one of many sponsored by the Office of Faculty Affairs & Leadership Development, and the Office of Medical Education, at the UNC School of Medicine. To stay informed about future events or learn more, visit our websites linked above.
To join the Association of Professional Women in Medical Sciences (APWIMS), contact