Faculty members are encouraged to apply for the Carolina for the Kids Research Grant Award made possible through generous support from Carolina for the Kids. Two awards of $40,000 are available to early career and established investigators pursuing pediatric research.
Faculty members are encouraged to apply for the Carolina for the Kids Research Grant Award made possible through generous support from Carolina for the Kids. Two awards of $40,000 are available to early career and established investigators pursuing pediatric research.
Carolina for the Kids (CFTK), a UNC student-led organization, raises funds through donations and events, including their annual dance marathon. In addition to their primary mission of providing emotional, medical, and financial support for the patients and families served by UNC Children’s Hospital, CFTK supports a Research Grant Program. This program prioritizes clinical/translational research projects focused on children’s health.
We are excited to announce extension of the deadline for the Carolina for the Kids Faculty Investigator Award. This mechanism supports early career and established faculty investigators. Projects primarily or wholly based at UNC are prioritized. More information can be found below:
- Anticipated awards: Up to 2.
- Projected Maximum Award Amount: $40,000.
- Eligibility: There are 3 categories for the CFTK Faculty Investigator Award:
- Early career faculty investigators who have not previously competed successfully for an NIH-supported research project, specifically Assistant Professors or Instructors who are generating preliminary data for an extramural grant application.
- Established faculty investigators with a track record of NIH funding and scholarly productivity in need of bridge funding (investigator salary support is not covered). Investigators who have submitted an NIH grant that received positive reviews but was not funded are eligible. The application must include the review summary statement, responses to noted weaknesses, and plan for resubmission.
- Established faculty investigators who are expanding or redirecting research activities toward a new extramural funding opportunity.
- Requirements: Applications must present a clear research proposal and a plan for subsequent extramural funding. It is expected that an extramural grant application will be submitted within 6 months of the completion of the CFTK Research proposal.
The application deadline is Monday, December 16, 2019 at midnight.
Visit http://childrensresearch.unc.edu/grants for more information.