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The Department of Pediatrics is proud to share a two part-webinar series on Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome, with content by Carl Seashore, MD, Professor of Pediatrics at UNC. This series provides those who serve infants with, or at-risk for, Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome (NAS) and their families the information they need to provide compassionate and effective support and intervention.
This training includes detailed information about NAS and appropriate care of and intervention for the infant and family, including developmental and child health outcomes, screening, non-pharmacologic and pharmacologic treatment, evidence-based treatment for women with opioid addiction, and strategies for working with families challenged by addiction.
Carl Seashore, MD, is a general pediatrician and medical director of Newborn Nursery at UNC Hospital. In this role, he leads a team of talented professionals including MDs, NPs, Pediatric Residents and Medical Students in caring for term and late-preterm infants. Over the past nine years as the opioid epidemic has grown, he has developed expertise in the evaluation and management of infants at-risk for and with NAS in partnership with the team at UNC Horizons, a woman-centered program for pregnant and parenting women with substance use disorders. This partnership has led to novel approaches to the management of pregnant women and their newborns. Dr. Seashore has published and presented numerous times on NAS and has been featured on WRAL and PBS NewsHour programs to help the public understand the nuances of NAS and its impact on families and society. The webinars are sponsored by the Leo M. Croghan Memorial Foundation.