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The UNC Beacon Program is looking for any UNC Hospital or Medical School Employees who have a passion for helping patients who have experienced any form of intimate partner violence.

Beacon champions can be any UNC Hospital or UNC Medical school employee who has a passion for helping patients who have experienced any form of family or intimate partner violence. You don’t have to be an “expert” but are working to make a difference.

Some of the things that Beacon champions have done in the past have included:

  • Checking to see if bathrooms in your area have Beacon posters and reaching out to our staff if materials are needed.
  • Encouraging other staff to make Beacon consults
  • Restocking Beacon brochures in area
  • Modeling good screening practices
  • Bringing back training ideas and materials for other staff members from meetings
  • Helping with Beacon special eventsMaking a Beacon bulletin board in your unit
  • Attend Quarterly Beacon meetings
  • Encouraging your unit to have Beacon staff to come present trainings
  • Bring unit/department concerns regarding patients they may have worked with experiencing abuse to bring to champion meetings so that they can be processed if needed

Being a Beacon Champion is not a big time commitment, but simply requires a strong commitment to helping some of our most vulnerable patients!

If you are interested in becoming a Beacon Champion please contact Cynthia Fleming at 984-974-0470