For much of the past year, the University Libraries has engaged in subscription negotiations with the publisher Elsevier. Read a letter from Elaine L. Westbrooks, Vice Provost for University Libraries and University Librarian, offering updates on the negotiation process and how you can play a role.
Dear colleagues,
For much of the past year, the University Libraries has engaged in subscription negotiations with the publisher Elsevier.
Despite these efforts, Elsevier has failed to offer a sustainable and affordable option for renewing our package of nearly 2,000 journal titles. There is no way to absorb the $2.6 million that Elsevier is now asking for this package. I believe our only course of action is to substantially reduce the number of Elsevier titles to which we subscribe.
As part of the Library’s decision-making process, we seek broad input from the University community, and especially from faculty members, researchers, clinicians, and graduate students.
I invite you to provide feedback via and ask that you also share this link with your units and colleagues.
It is important that we reach as many individuals as possible. The survey will close Monday, March 30, 2020. We will then move quickly to make and report decisions. Your responses will help us ensure timely access and delivery of articles through subscriptions and interlibrary loan.
Elsevier and other commercial journals pose growing financial and access challenges to universities around the world. You can learn more by visiting or by reaching out to me or to the liaison librarian for your discipline. If you have questions about the survey, please send an email to
Thank you in advance for providing your input at by Monday, March 30.
Elaine L. Westbrooks
Vice Provost for University Libraries and University Librarian