Martha Perry, MD, has been invited to participate as a panelist on the NC DHHS COVID-19 Healthcare Professional Webinar Series on May 14th.

Dr. Perry is an Associate Professor of Pediatrics, the Medical Director of the UNC Children’s Primary Care Clinic, and the Associate Program Director of the UNC Pediatrics Residency Program.
Community Care of North Carolina (CCNC) and NC AHEC are working together with NC DHHS to help North Carolina’s health care providers address the challenge of the COVID-19 pandemic through this weekly webinar series. Dr. Perry has been invited to participate as a subject matter expert – engaging in a panel discussion around pediatric well child care during COVID and the new Medicaid guidance on well child care and telehealth. This week’s session is on Thursday, May 14 at 5:30 PM. Registration is free and can be submitted here: