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Jonathan Pruitt, who came to Carolina from the UNC System in January 2018, returns to the UNC System as chief operating officer, effective August 1.

Jonathan Pruitt, vice chancellor for finance and operations, is leaving Carolina to return to the University of North Carolina System as chief operating officer, effective August 1, Chancellor Kevin M. Guskiewicz wrote in an email sent to campus.

Pruitt joined the University in January 2018, after serving as senior vice president and chief financial officer for the UNC System, where he worked for 11 years.

At Carolina, Pruitt led campuswide financial planning and budgeting; treasury and risk management; facilities planning, construction and operations; real estate development; purchasing; public safety; campus enterprises; environment health and safety; and energy services.

During his time at Carolina, Pruitt created a new University budgeting process to improve financial transparency and decision-making, led the University’s tuition and fees process with a focus on maintaining affordability, directed the development and approval of a newcampus master plan, and served as a key contributor to the University’s new strategic plan,Carolina Next: Innovations for Public Good.

Pruitt served as a member of the chancellor’s leadership team during one of the University’s most challenging times, the global COVID-19 pandemic. During this time, his skill in finance, facilities and risk management helped in the development and implementation of theUniversity’s Roadmap for Fall 2020.

With his deep expertise, sound judgment and calm demeanor, Jonathan will be an asset to incoming UNC System President Peter Hans,” Guskiewicz wrote.Fortunately, for us, Jonathan has put an excellent senior leadership team in place, which will report to me until an interim vice chancellor is appointed.

Information about the search to identify Pruitt’s successor will be shared soon.