The NC TraCS R Writing Group for Laboratory-based Research is now taking applications through July 10.

The goal of the R-Writing Group is to assist participants in developing their first competitive investigator-initiated research grant application to NIH or R-equivalent grant to another funding agency for submission in June 2021 (or approximately the same deadline for non-NIH grants). Investigators are eligible if they have submitted, but not been awarded, a R-type grant (i.e. resubmissions are acceptable).
The group will assist participants in the development of a set of well-crafted, novel and significant specific aims based on the participant’s initial idea(s) or preliminary data. Each participant is expected to contribute to the evaluation of the work of their colleagues; participation is thought to be critical in developing skills the researcher will need for future independent grant writing experiences. After a working group determines that the specific aims are acceptable, the participant will proceed with writing their grant, which will be reviewed on an ongoing basis (usually in pre-designated grant “sections”) by the group.
To participate in this workshop, individuals must submit the following by 8 am July 10 to Lauretta Barrett:
- a brief letter of introduction in which you should list your current position, whether you are on tenure track, and the anticipated time of your promotion review, the target institute/agency for submission and submission date
- 4-page max NIH biosketch including Other Support
- a ½ to 1 page introduction to your work, including preliminary data from which you plan to develop your proposal and the type of grant for which you intend to apply.
Once applications are received, 30 minute interviews will be set up with the course faculty.
Final selection will be made after interviews are completed.