My Learning, a new learning management system is part of Carolina Talent.

My Learning, the part of Carolina Talent that offers and tracks training, launched on July 28, 2020. You can use My Learning to take training from LinkedIn Learning, the Office of Human Resources, and the Equal Opportunity and Compliance Office. Eventually, My Learning will be the primary resource to find out about learning offered across the University. There are more than 5,000 training items available on the site already.
To get to My Learning, you sign in to ConnectCarolina, and from the Self-Service homepage click My Learning.
This new system is easy to use, but it’s a good idea to complete a quick introductory training session. It’s available in My Learning, but you can also get to it here: My Learning – Training
My Learning: Searching for and Signing Up for Training
Please note a few things to be aware of:
• My Learning often uses pop-up windows, so be sure to turn off your browser’s pop-up blocker. You’ll need to do this for My Learning and for LinkedIn Learning, plus if you use multiple browsers, you’ll need to do it for each browser you use.
• To have LinkedIn Learning training show on your transcript in My Learning, you first need to activate your LinkedIn Learning account through the ITS website: (If you already have an active account, you can skip this step.) Then you always need to start the training from My Learning. If you’d like to take a LinkedIn Learning training but not have it show up on your transcript, you should launch it directly from LinkedIn Learning.
If you have any issues, contact the Help Desk by calling 962-HELP (choose option 3 for the Business Systems Help Desk) or by submitting a ticket at Welcome to My Learning!
For additional information about the Carolina Talent Project, please visit: