Read the announcement of Dr. Jonathan Oberlander’s Five-Year Review, and learn how to provide your perspective in this important process.

An ad hoc committee has been appointed to undertake a routine review of the leadership provided by Jonathan Oberlander, PhD, in his position as Chair of the Department of Social Medicine. The review is a standard procedure of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and will take place on August 24, 2020.
The committee invites your written or verbal comments, suggestions, and relevant information – all written comments must be submitted to Morgan Resnick-Kahle ( or the committee members listed below by August 14, 2020. If you wish to provide verbal comments at the review, please contact Tiffani Cain ( no later than August 14, 2020.
Note that North Carolina law requires that any written materials developed or received by the committee during the review may be made available to the person being reviewed upon request. All requests from the person being reviewed will be handled by the Legal Department with names and any identifying information being redacted prior to release of the material.
Members of the Review Committee
Lawrence B. Marks, MD, Review Committee Chair – Distinguished Professor and Chair, Radiation Oncology
Nancy Bagatell, PhD, MA – Associate Professor, Allied Health Sciences
Russell Broaddus, MD, PhD – Distinguished Professor and Chair, Pathology and Laboratory Medicine
Klaus Hahn, PhD – Distinguished Professor, Pharmacology
Michelle Hernandez, MD – Associate Professor, Pediatrics
Muneera Kapadia, MD, MME – Associate Professor, Surgery
O’Rese Knight, MD – Assistant Professor, Ophthalmology
Morgan Resnick-Kahle, MAEd – Assistant Director for Faculty Affairs and Leadership Development