Medical students will soon have a one-stop shop for resources, and anyone who works with students, i.e. clinicians and faculty, will more easily be able to keep track of a student’s success.

This new system, Navigate, is designed to improve student care by allowing advisors to act as primary care providers. Through Navigate, students will find campus-specific information, such as parking information, health and wellness information, the ability to view any outstanding holds, manage their events/calendar and more.
Senior Associate Dean for Medical Student Education Dr. Beat Steiner says the driving force for implementing Navigate is to provide better care for students, while improving record keeping.
“Specifically, Navigate identifies at-risk students and takes appropriate measures to mitigate and prevent future issues. As the School of Medicine’s student body has grown, advisors have become responsible for more students, and are tasked with keeping track of them. Navigate has one record for students to prevent having students slip through the cracks,” he said.
This coordinated care network aims to give students a sense of belonging and strong support from leadership. Steiner says that the hope is that students will see leadership’s emphasis on care and will then take this experience, emulating it when they become clinicians.
The Office of Medical Education and the School of Medicine IT department have partnered to bring this student intervention system to fruition, and Navigate launches September 2020. Visit the Navigate website for more information.