While COVID-19 has shaken the world, it has also pushed society to be more innovative and creative — two attributes that have been essential to the success of UNC researchers, who lead an abundance of projects, making UNC the most cited university in the nation for coronavirus research. Check out this feature from the UNC Office of Research Communications, which includes portraits of UNC School of Medicine faculty Jessica Lin, MD, Melissa Miller, PhD, Phillip Clapp, PhD, and Ralph Baric, PhD.
Last spring, while businesses shut down and millions began working from home amidst the widespread outbreak of SARS-CoV-2 in the U.S., UNC researchers immediately shifted their focus to the virus and subsequent disease, COVID-19. Their quick response and strong foundation in infectious diseases, social science, and community-centered research propelled UNC to become a global leader of coronavirus expertise.
In nearly every school and department across UNC, researchers are examining the myriad of issues raised by the coronavirus pandemic. They are at the forefront of developing tests and therapeutics, monitoring the genetic evolution of the virus, and exploring future health impacts faced by COVID-19-positive patients. They are increasing access to resources for vulnerable communities, advising policymakers on public health measures, and uncovering the economic shockwaves that will continue for years to come.
As the United States — and the globe — combat the challenges this virus continues to present, UNC experts remain committed to research for the public good.
View the rest of the story and amazing portraits by Megan May at endeavors.unc.edu.