Raj Telhan, MD, MFA, assistant professor in the UNC Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation and UNC Department of Social Medicine recently published an article, “Reckoning with Racial Trauma in Rehabilitation Medicine” in the Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, tackling structural disparities through a multidisciplinary lens.

Raj Telhan, MD, MFA, assistant professor in the UNC Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation and UNC Department of Social Medicine recently published an article, “Reckoning with Racial Trauma in Rehabilitation Medicine” in the Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, tackling structural disparities through a multidisciplinary lens.
Here’s an excerpt from the publication:
“The story of structural racism and brutality toward black and brown people is well known to the communities who endure it…From policing to business to academia, the United States faces an overdue reckoning with the trauma of racism—a reckoning to which rehabilitation medicine is not immune…How will we measure those inequities in rehabilitation? How will we hold ourselves and our society accountable to addressing them? The story of our reckoning has long been in motion. With these questions hanging above us, its ending is yet to be written.”
Read the complete article here.