The Global Health Pathway is for residents in the Internal Medicine, Pediatrics, and Med/Peds programs interested in global health clinical care and research.

UNC offers a broad range of experiences in global health clinical care and research, as well as didactic activities covering myriad topics in the School of Medicine, School of Public Health, Institute for Global Health and Infectious Disease, and others. In order to enhance the professional development of residents who are interested in pursuing global health careers, the Global Health Advisory Board for the Internal Medicine, Med/Peds, and Pediatrics residency programs has established a Global Health Pathway. Please visit the following website for more information:
We invite interested residents in the Internal Medicine, Pediatrics, and Med/Peds residency programs to complete the application found at this link:
Please complete the application by December 1, 2020. Pathway Residents will be selected and announced by January 4th, 2021.
Please contact us at: with any questions. Thank you for your interest!
The Global Health Advisory Board