Internal applications for the NIEHS ONES award are due by December 21, 2020.
The NIEHS has re-issued an RFA [RFA-ES-21-001] for the Outstanding New Environmental Scientist Award (ONES). The award uses the R01 mechanism and is intended to identify the most talented Early Stage Investigators (ESIs) who intend to make a long-term commitment to research in the Environmental Health Sciences and assist them in launching an innovative research program focused on the understanding of environmental exposure effects on people’s health.
For most applications, the budget for direct costs are limited to $250,000/year and an additional $250,000 career enhancement budget that will be distributed over the 5-year project period (see RFA for details). 5-6 awards are anticipated.
This is a limited award application, and only one candidate from the School of Medicine can apply (Each School or College at UNC is allowed one applicant).
The Dean’s Office will conduct a review of all SOM nominated candidates to select who will be the SOM applicant. Applicants should electronically submit a short (up to a page) description of their proposed research and an NIH biosketch (with grant support and full publication list) to Trisha Dant ( by Monday, December 21, 2020. This will give the review committee time to select the candidate before full proposal is due on February 26, 2021.
Please distribute as applicable to your early stage faculty and encourage them to consider submitting a proposal. Previous recipients from UNC are: Samir Kelada (2015), Kun Lu (2015), Rebecca Fry (2010).