The ANE-SANE program funds advanced nursing education to train and certify Registered Nurses (RNs), Advanced Practice Registered Nurses (APRNs), and Forensic Nurses (FNs) to practice as sexual assault nurse examiners (SANEs). The program aims to increase the supply and distribution of qualified working SANEs and expand access to sexual assault forensic examinations.

Limited Submissions Internal Call for Proposals: HRSA 21-016 (ANE-SANE)
UNC Internal Deadline: 11:59PM, Monday, January 11, 2021
HRSA Deadline: February 17, 2021
Program Description: The ANE-SANE program funds advanced nursing education to train and certify Registered Nurses (RNs), Advanced Practice Registered Nurses (APRNs), and Forensic Nurses (FNs) to practice as sexual assault nurse examiners (SANEs). The program aims to increase the supply and distribution of qualified working SANEs and expand access to sexual assault forensic examinations. By expanding access to SANEs, the ANE-SANE program aims to provide better physical and mental health care for survivors of sexual assault and domestic violence leading to better evidence collection and potentially higher prosecution rates.
Program Goals The ANE-SANE program is designed to:
- Increase the supply and distribution of SANEs by increasing the number of RNs, APRNs and FNs trained to practice as SANEs;
- Expand access to sexual assault forensic examinations by increasing availability of training and supporting certification of qualified SANEs who are skilled and knowledgeable in providing quality care to survivors of sexual assault and domestic violence, especially in rural and underserved settings;
- Enhance stakeholder support for training and increase retention of SANEs, to ensure the provision of better physical and mental health care of survivors of sexual assault and domestic violence and improved evidence collection; and
- Cultivate an environment conducive to SANE training and practice through partnerships and technical assistance consultation.
- Financially support participants/trainees through their SANE certification requirements which, at a minimum, include: didactic (classroom or online) education, clinical training, and experiential learning (or practice).
- Develop academic-practice partnerships, including collaboration with HRSA supported health centers and critical shortage facilities. These partnerships should promote recruitment of participants/trainees, interagency collaboration, and integrate trauma-informed, evidence-based sexual assault and domestic violence services into training and practice settings.
- Incorporate innovative models of training and practice, including virtual, teleeducation models, telehealth, and sexual assault response teams (SARTs) to ensure flexible options for learning and practice.
- Reduce system-level and structural barriers to SANE training and practice through collaborative partnerships and technical assistance consultation.
- Transforming the workforce –by targeting the need
- Strengthening health care access through telehealth
To Apply: Submit the following (into a SINGLE .pdf) to by 11:59PM, Monday, January 11, 2021.
- PI/ Team members NIH-formatted biosketch
- Project Summary (four-page maximum)
- List of potential collaborators (internal and external to UNC)
- Names (along with title, department, and email) of three internal (to UNC) experts who could speak knowledgeably about the candidate’s research and who could potentially serve on an internal review panel.
- Please do not include the names of faculty named on the project, chairs, deans, directors, direct reports, or others who have a conflict of interest
- Please notify all potential internal reviewers before submitting the pre-proposal
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