School of Medicine IT will be performing maintenance to SOM file services on Saturday, December 5th starting at 10AM and finishing up around 5PM. The School of Medicine IT SOM file services are usually accessed as the “H:”, “G:”, and “J:” drives. This work is non-disruptive and should cause no downtime.

The School of Medicine IT Infrastructure & Operations team will be performing maintenance to SOM file services on Saturday December 5th starting at 10AM and finishing up around 5PM. The School of Medicine IT SOM file services are usually accessed as the “H:”, “G:”, and “J:” drives. This work is non-disruptive and should cause no downtime.
What to Know
The SOM file services are being updated to a new version of software. This system hosts data storage for all Departments in the School of Medicine, commonly accessed via the “H:”, “G:” and J: drives. The SOM file services have redundancy and should experience no downtime during the upgrade. Departments will continue to have access their files during the upgrade procedure. School of Medicine IT staff will be monitoring the upgrade and confirm at each migration point that services are still working before proceeding.
This weekend maintenance window was chosen to limit the impact of any interruption to normal business operations. Our previous experience leads us to believe that no significant outage in file services will occur but there is always a risk that an unplanned event causes a disruption.