As we work to process the unsettling events that took place at the U.S. Capitol yesterday, please consider taking advantage of the many well-being resources at the UNC School of Medicine and UNC Health.
The events we all watched unfold yesterday in Washington, DC prompted a range of emotions, from concern about the safety of the thousands working in and around the Capitol, to anger, sadness, and later anxiety about the possibility of additional violence in the days and weeks ahead.
As we all work to process these unsettling events, please take advantage of our many mental and emotional health resources. We have a strong team of professionals standing by at your service.
The last several months, through the political campaigns and initial uncertainty about the election results, highlighted the divisions in our nation. Yesterday’s events were an alarming look at exactly how deeply those divisions run.
As medical professionals, we work to heal. And while it would be naïve to think that what we do within our health system can solve the many problems we face, we can set an example by leading with kindness and respect for each other and all whom we serve.
We recognize these events are troubling, but they do not define us and cannot deter us from our pursuit of serving the people of North Carolina.
Please consider accessing the Path to Well-Being to quickly and easily connect with resources and strong teams of professionals who can help you address your stress today.
Visit the system-wide Well-Being page for additional information on emotional and mental health resources. Your wellness is a priority. Thank you for taking the steps to care for yourself as we continue to care for others.