The Council advises the Institute regarding research and issues of science policy, and provides a secondary review for certain grant applications.
Dr. Callahan has a long history of serving in multiple leadership and advisory positions with the National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal Skin Diseases (NIAMS) for the past 30 years. Some of these roles have included serving on the National Research Plan development, the National Arthritis Data Workgroup, and numerous Special Emphasis Grant Review panels.
“This is a particularly exciting time to join the Advisory Council because NIAMS has just appointed a new Director — Dr. Lindsey Criswell,” said Dr. Callahan, who is Associate Director of UNC Thurston Arthritis Research Center, Mary Link Briggs Distinguished Professor of Medicine, Professor in the UNC Departments of Social Medicine and Orthopedics, and Director of the Osteoarthritis Action Alliance.