The UNC School of Medicine’s Office Faculty Affairs and Leadership Development (FALD) is pleased to announce the appointment of Christina Shenvi, MD, PhD, assistant professor in the UNC Department of Emergency Medicine, as the new president of APWIMS.
As of April 2021, Christina Shenvi, MD, PhD, has been selected as the new President of the Association for Professional Women in Medical Sciences, following Dr. Wanda Nicholson who led APWIMS for the last two years with former Vice President Dr. Silvia Ramos.
As APWIMS president, Dr. Shenvi aims to empower women faculty and build community within the association. She plans to work to find new, creative ways to connect faculty with each other to create community, and ways to connect faculty with the outstanding resources that are available through the Faculty Affairs and Leadership Development office. She also wants to empower and encourage women in the medical sciences in their personal and career development pathways.
Attending APWIMS events and developing connections with other women faculty have been key in Dr. Shenvi’s own career. She says, “The serendipitous connections that we can make at events like the ones that APWIMS sponsors can change the course of your career. In addition to the inspiration from the speakers, those connections can become meaningful sources of mentorship, engagement, and community.” As a mother of four, she hopes to highlight the “diverse paths that women can take to be successful and that, most importantly, we can define success for ourselves.”
Dr. Shenvi has already started planning for the next APWIMS event, the annual Women in Medicine Conference scheduled for September 24, 2021 from 9:00 am – 1:00 pm. More information will be coming soon.
For more information about resources in the FALD office, visit the FALD website.