This week began the Annual UNC Medical Alumni Faculty Scholarship Campaign learn more about this opportunity to support student scholarships.

Help solidify the UNC Health Foundation’s efforts to fund an additional scholarship, specifically for an underrepresented in medicine student (URM).
The UNC Medical Alumni Faculty Scholarship is an annually funded scholarship supported by loyal alumni working at the UNC School of Medicine and the UNC Medical Center. Established in 2013, this generous award helps recruit the brightest students by offering four years of support.
This year our fundraising efforts center on funding an additional scholarship, specifically for an underrepresented in medicine student!
This push will not only address our continued need for scholarship support, but will also solidify our focus on URM admissions. As in years past one of your faculty colleagues has anonymously issued a matching gift challenge up to $25,000. Help us turn $25,000 into $50,000! Your participation is critical in this annual campaign to fund the prestigious UNC Medical Alumni Faculty Scholarship.