The Office of Interprofessional Education and Practice is currently seeking a passionate and dedicated faculty member in the School of Medicine to assume leadership as the Director for Interprofessional Education and Practice (IPEP) within the SOM.

Message from the Assistant Provost:
Dear SOM faculty,
The Office of Interprofessional Education and Practice is currently seeking a passionate and dedicated faculty member in the School of Medicine to assume leadership as the Director for Interprofessional Education and Practice (IPEP) within the SOM. This position will serve in partnership with the Assistant Provost for OIPEP and the other directors of the OIPEP schools and will be supported at 10% FTE (up to the NIH cap). A detailed job description is below. We encourage committed educators to apply. Please submit a cover letter and CV to our office at by August 12.
I wish to thank Dr. Sarah Smithson for her tireless dedication to interprofessional education and practice. Through her leadership, we have partnered with many of you to bring about interprofessional opportunities to students and faculty in the SOM. She has assisted us in identifying an interprofessional core of activities so that every student has the opportunity to learn from, with, and about each other.
Meg Zomorodi
Assistant Provost and Director Office of Interprofessional Education and Practice
Professor, UNC School of Nursing
Associate Editor Journal of Interprofessional Education and Practice
The Office for Interprofessional Education and Practice (OIPEP) was established in 2018 by the Provost in order to build the capacity and capability for interprofessional education and practice. The Office oversees the creation, implementation, and dissemination of interprofessional education and practice experiences designed to enhance collaborative learning across participating schools. Each OIPEP School has a named Director of IPEP who will collaboratively work with the Assistant Provost for Interprofessional Education and Practice. The OIPEP schools/departments include: Allied Health, Business, Dentistry, Education, Health Sciences Library, Medicine, Nursing, Pharmacy, Public Health, and Social Work.
General Responsibilities:
The school-level IPEP Director will serve as ex-officio member on their respective school’s Curriculum Committee to facilitate synergy and strategic collaboration between participating schools in planning IPEP curricular innovations and will also serve on the Steering Committee for the OIPEP. Directors will be expected to attend all steering committee meetings and to meet responsibilities specific to advancing the Office. Specifically, the IPEP director will:
Shared Responsibilities with Assistant Provost for IPEP and all School-level Directors:
- Support the mission and vision of the Office of IPEP
- Ensure that IPEP content matches the appropriate learning needs for students
- Increase collaborative experiential learning opportunities for students for all students
- Build and sustain partnerships for new IPEP programs
- Measure the impact of IPEP to determine effectiveness in the clinical/classroom settings
- Collaborate with field learning sites to create interprofessional learning opportunities
- Develop faculty training opportunities to advance IPEP
- Identify faculty representatives for established interprofessional initiatives such as Blending the Blues, Rural Interprofessional Health Initiative, Clarion, etc.
- Participate in student orientation as it relates to IPEP initiatives
- Implement shared IPEP priorities identified by OIPEP
- Participate in the Relational Leadership at Carolina faculty development program
Specific Responsibilities for School of Medicine: The school-level IPEP Director will collaborate with the Assistant Provost to:
- Maintain an assessment inventory of existing IPEP activities
- Ensure school’s specific accreditation requirements for IPE are met
- Record data as part of the established assessment and evaluation plan
- Map and document IPEP activities for professional accreditation requirements
- Establish and maintain a school-wide IPEP committee
- Participate in SOM strategic planning activities that include IPEP
- Advise SOM student members of the Student Executive Committee for IPE and assist and attend student-led events and activities.