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Targeting Equity in Access to Mentoring (TEAM) ADVANCE is recruiting 1-2 graduate students to support quantitative data analysis and reporting for Fall 2021.

Each graduate student assistant position is a part-time, hourly position, approximately 10-12 hours per week. We are unable to offer tuition remission. The position is for Fall 2021. Pending availability of funds, we may extend the positions through May 2022. Full details, including main duties, essential qualifications, and application instructions, are in the attached job description.

Duties include, but are not limited to, cleaning and organizing survey data as required; conducting statistical analyses; assisting with reporting findings, both written and for presentation.

Applicants are asked to submit a cover letter, CV, and two references by Friday, August 6, 2021. They may submit their materials through Qualtrics:

TEAM ADVANCE is funded by a grant from the National Science Foundation (Award 1760187). We promote accessible, equitable, and effective mentoring for faculty across the University, with an emphasis on supporting women of color, white women, and other underrepresented faculty in STEM disciplines. To learn more about TEAM ADVANCE, visit