UNC School of Medicine is seeking a faculty member to serve in the role of Director for the Learning Environment. Please submit documentation to Carrie Jackman-Hoyle, Director of Educational Strategic Initiatives at carrie_hoyle@med.unc.edu by Friday, January 14 COB.
UNC School of Medicine is seeking a faculty member who is committed to optimizing the learning environment to serve in the role of Director for the Learning Environment. Their responsibilities will include learning environment education and managing all learning environment reports originating from SOM reporting mechanisms. This specifically includes gathering information, providing feedback, and speaking with students and faculty about the learning environment. Additionally, they will need to interface with our Equal Opportunity and Compliance Office and Human Resources offices. Knowledge and skills required include but are not limited to neutrality, communication, compassion, cultural humility, and training in diversity and equity. They should be comfortable having complex and crucial conversations and should be familiar with the challenges to the learning environment in the culture of medicine and be able to work towards changing this culture. This individual will report to the Associate Dean for Student Affairs and will also work with the Assistant Dean for Student Affairs. They will collaborate formally and informally with other leaders involved with the learning environment at the School of Medicine, the GME office and occasionally other programs at UNC. This position will be supported at 0.3 FTE.
If interested, please submit the following to Carrie Jackman-Hoyle, Director of Educational Strategic Initiatives at carrie_hoyle@med.unc.edu by Friday, January 14 COB.
- Curriculum vitae
- 1-pg cover letter explaining interest in the position and describing qualifications/experience
- Letter of support from chair stating their support of 0.3 FTE for the candidate, if selected