TraCS Team Science is seeking to assist UNC researchers with the formation and development of multidisciplinary research teams focused on tackling challenging problems in clinical or translational medicine through the new ACTeR program. Support is provided through a combination of competitively reviewed graduated direct funding and logistical support.

TraCS Team Science is seeking to assist UNC researchers with the formation and development of multidisciplinary research teams focused on tackling challenging problems in clinical or translational medicine through the new ACTeR program.
Support is provided through a combination of competitively reviewed graduated direct funding and logistical support.
Phase 1 provides up to $5,000 and up to 0.25 FTE Project Manager support for up to 12 months to support team building, mini-symposiums, and idea development (from concept to project outline).
Phase 1 submission due date: Wednesday, January 26, 2022
View the Phase 1 ACTeR RFA (pdf)
PI eligibility for ACTeR follows UNC guidelines for external sponsored research. The Contact PI, who will have primary responsibility for the administrative aspects of the ACTeR program award, must be UNC-Chapel Hill affiliated. Researchers whose appointments allow them to serve as PI on externally sponsored research projects are eligible to apply as PIs. Applicants from N.C. A&T, RTI, or NC State are eligible to serve as co-PIs.
Apply for Phase 1 of the ACTeR program