Effective May 1, the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services will require all death certificates to be submitted electronically using its new online system, the North Carolina Database Application for Vital Events.
Starting on May 1, the State of North Carolina has mandated that all death certificates be completed electronically. This must be done on the NC Database Application for Vital Events (NCDAVE) website using the Electronic Death Registration System system (EDRS). Using an automated process, UNC Health ISD has successfully auto-registered all APPs and physicians with an account in the NCDAVE system.
Emails will go out to all UNC Medical Center providers who have been newly-auto-registered in the NCDAVE system from “NCDaveRegistration-DoNotReply@unchealth.unc.edu.” These emails will contain a username and temporary password to access the NCDAVE site and use the EDRS. The email will also contain a useful link to a training PowerPoint and a chart listing local administrators, personnel at UNC Medical Center who can help if you have questions or difficulties with death certificates or the NCDAVE system.
Links to NCDAVE and the training PowerPoint presentation are located in the References tab within Epic@UNC.
If you have any questions about your registration or NCDave, please contact one of our NCDAVE Local Administrators or call the ISD Service Desk at 984-974-4357.