Joanna Herath, MHA, will begin her work in the role this summer.

Joanna Herath, MHA, has been named the Associate Chair for Administration in the Department of Radiation Oncology. Herath currently serves as Associate Chief of Administration for the Division of Rheumatology, Allergy & Immunology and the Division of GI and Hepatology.
Patty Saponaro, MS, MBA, currently serves in the Radiation Oncology ACA role and announced her retirement in fall 2021. Saponaro and Herath will work closely together to transition the role’s responsibilities in summer 2022.
From October 2012 through November 2019, Herath served as Director of GI Services for UNC Health, and the role included clinical operations for adult GI medicine clinics, procedure units and motility units. She has a BA in Health Administration and Political Science from Mary Baldwin University and an MHA from Virginia Commonwealth University. She completed her administrative residency with the University of Virginia Health System. She is a Certified Medical Practice Executive in the Medical Group Management Association and a Fellow in the American College of Health Care Executives. She recently served as Chair for Advancement on the Board of Triangle Healthcare Executives Forum and Board Member for Freedom House in Chapel Hill.