Targeting Equity in Access to Mentoring (TEAM) ADVANCE invites all permanent faculty, fixed-term, tenure-tack, and tenured, to complete its Spring 2022 Mentoring Climate Survey. To complete the survey, look for reminder emails from TEAM ADVANCE that include instructions and an individual survey link.
Targeting Equity in Access to Mentoring (TEAM) ADVANCE invites all permanent faculty, fixed-term, tenure-tack, and tenured, to complete its Spring 2022 Mentoring Climate Survey. The survey is open through Friday, May 27.
To complete the survey, look for reminder emails from TEAM ADVANCE that include instructions and an individual survey link. Reminders will be sent the afternoons of Tuesday, May 10, and Thursday, May 12. Additional reminders will follow either until faculty complete the survey, or until we reach the closing date, whichever comes first. Faculty may need to check SPAM, Junk, or Other folders for the survey email.
TEAM ADVANCE is a National Science Foundation (NSF) funded program (No. 1760187; IRB No. 18-2690) designed to promote a culture of active, equitable, and effective faculty mentoring, with an emphasis on supporting women of color, white women, and other underrepresented faculty groups at UNC-Chapel Hill. We have shared our Mentoring Climate Survey findings, in aggregate, with the chancellor, provost, deans, department chairs, and the Faculty Council.
The Mentoring Climate Survey is a longitudinal study distributed twice per academic year. TEAM ADVANCE is examining changes over time and we are able to anonymously compare faculty responses across each survey window. The Spring 2022 survey will be the final distribution as part of the NSF-funded research activities. Faculty should complete the survey regardless of whether or not they completed the survey in past semesters.
We highly encourage faculty to complete the Spring 2022 survey before the it closes Friday, May 27. Participation will help TEAM ADVANCE to observe trends and continue to understand how faculty are mentored at UNC-Chapel Hill.