Paul Shea, MD, has been named curriculum representative for simulation, experiential learning and training for the UNC School of Medicine. He will start his position in August 2022.
Paul Shea, MD, has been named curriculum representative for simulation, experiential learning and training for the UNC School of Medicine. He will start his position in August 2022 and will provide design, management, integration, evaluation and enhancement of phase curriculum.
Paul received his Doctor of Medicine from the Pennsylvania State University College of Medicine, in Hershey, Pennsylvania, in 2006. Paul’s focus in simulation education started during his fellowship years where he assisted in developing a simulation curriculum to augment the didactic education. He continued his interests in simulation at Drexel College of Medicine. Shea joined the NC Children’s faculty in November 2016 as a part of the Pediatric Critical Care Medicine division. During his time here, he developed a simulation curriculum for the first-year medical students that applies the material they learned in their block rotation in order to provide an experiential framework to solidify complex physiological concepts.