Poster abstract submissions are due April 8 for those interested in presenting their work at the AOE Alan W. Cross Evening of Scholarship on June 1 at the Friday Center.

The Academy of Educators Alan W. Cross Evening of Scholarship will take place on June 1 at the Friday Conference Center. Dr. Ben Kinnear, MD, MEd, will be the event’s keynote speaker discussing competency-based medical education.
All current and applying members are encouraged to click here to register.
Each year, the AOE Evening of Scholarship is a wonderful time of fellowship and community. During the event, the AOE gives the annual teaching awards and induct new members. The group also has a poster session celebrating educational innovations or educational research.
The AOE is asking participants to consider submitting a medical education abstract to be presented in poster format at the event. The abstract could be based on a project already presented or one that is being prepared for use in any other educational venue.
Abstract Submission Format
Abstract submissions are limited to 600 words not including title, author, institutional affiliations, and references.
The proposal must include the following:
- Title: Provide an informative poster title
- Author: Authors and institutions
- Purpose: What problem or issues have you identified and addressed?
- Approach/Methods: What did you do?
- Results/Outcomes: What did you find?
- Discussion: What did you discover as a result of your effort?
- Significance: What implications do these lessons hold for now or the future?
- References: Limit to 5
Abstract Review Criteria Criterion | Description |
Topic of Importance | Topic is relevant and timely |
Approach | The authors effectively explain an approach that solves the problem identified |
Interpretation | Results or outcomes are presented in a clear manner; for research highlights, discussion is grounded in the literature |
Significance | The authors provide evidence that the findings have implications for now or the future |
- Send abstracts to Please send submissions by April 8.
- Wait to hear from the AOE – the AOE will announce accepted abstracts on May 8. Poster boards will be ready in the meeting space. If possible, posters should be no more than 48″ wide by 36″ tall – larger posters cannot be accommodated.
- On June 1, posters should be arranged between 5 and 5:15 p.m. The poster session will start at 5:30 pm. Teammates will be available to assist presenters who are not available to arrive before 5:15 p.m.