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The below clickable headlines link directly to outside media outlets, which featured UNC School of Medicine faculty starting Friday April 21, 2023.

It’s copperhead season in NC. Here’s what to know about the common venomous snake. – Dr. Eugenia Quackenbush (The Charlotte Observer)

An Extreme Risk of Taking Ozempic: Malnutrition – Dr. Janice Jin Hwang (The New York Times)

How to Keep Ticks From Biting – Dr. Ross Boyce (Consumer Reports)

Why some allergies come and go as you age – Dr. Corinne Keet (The Advisory Board)

Why do some people develop allergies in adulthood? – Dr. Corinne Keet (The Economic Times)

Kids under 6 were increasingly treated for illicit substance ingestion after Covid-19’s start, study says – Dr. Brittany Raffa (

New Data shows rise in NC syphilis cases, especially in women and newborns – Dr. Arlene Seña (The Daily Tar Heel)

Life Sentence on the Installment Plan –  Dr. David L. Rosen (FRONTLINE (PBS)

North Carolina lawmakers look to fund research on psychedelic drugs – Dr. Bryan Roth (WCNC)

The future of rapid and enduring neuropsychiatric treatments: From psychedelics to non-hallucinatory psychoplastogens – Dr. Bryan L. Roth (Drug Discovery and Development)

Is Arthritis Avoidable? What you can do to avoid getting arthritis – Kelli Dominick Allen (The Economic Times)

What is Bone Marrow and Why Is It Important? – Eric S. Winer (Dana-Farber Cancer Institute)

‘I felt very guilty’: this is the mental health problem Millaray Viera experienced after her pregnancies – Dr. Alison Stuebe (Nation World News)

The diabetes drug that could overshadow Ozempic – Dr. Janice Jin Hwang (Jordan News)