May 13, 2021
School of Medicine is Moving to UNC Panopto for Lecture Capture Recording
UNC School of Medicine is moving to UNC's new Panopto cloud lecture capture system at the end of the spring semester.
May 13, 2021
UNC School of Medicine is moving to UNC's new Panopto cloud lecture capture system at the end of the spring semester.
May 12, 2021
The UNC Hospitals Clinical Informatics Subspecialty Fellowship Program will host a virtual information session for residents, fellows, faculty, and medical students who are interested in the subspecialty of Clinical Informatics on May 18th at 7 PM. Attend to learn more about the subspecialty, career paths in clinical informatics, and about the UNC fellowship program.
April 28, 2021
UNC's NC TraCS and the Center for Advanced Self-powered Systems of Integrated Sensors and Technologies (ASSIST) at NC State is seeking highly innovative proposals that address high-impact unmet clinical needs using NC State’s ASSIST-developed technologies. The goal of this Special Emphasis is to match UNC providers’ expertise of clinical challenges and unmet needs, with engineering faculty at ASSIST seeking to develop novel technology applications.
February 3, 2021
In March, Devin Hubbard's days were filled with phone calls, Zoom meetings, and design tests as he and his team at FastTraCS worked around the clock to engineer new Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) designs in response to COVID-19. Ten months later, as millions of Americans adjust to the "new normal" of pandemic life, Hubbard and his colleagues are busier than ever. They have successfully engineered a frame that can improve both the fit and comfort of existing face masks.
August 27, 2020
GuideWire is a behind-the-scenes peek into the world of medical device innovation and problem discovery. Our team of medical device design engineers dive into the nuances, challenges, and considerations that go into finding and solving high-impact unmet medical needs at a large university hospital.
March 10, 2020
The UNC School of Medicine lab of Jason Franz, PhD, created virtual reality experiments to show how a potentially portable and inexpensive test could reduce falls and related injuries in people with multiple sclerosis.
February 3, 2020
Zhen Gu, Ph.D., a former professor in the UNC/NSCU Joint Department of Biomedical Engineering, led animal studies, a precursor to human trials, for a new device to automatically manage glucose levels and deliver needed insulin quickly. UNC’s John Buse, MD, Ph.D., was co-author of the study.
December 5, 2019
Smartphone technology from Gozio Health provides directions, doctor directories and more
July 16, 2019
Not only is Dr. Frances Ligler an expert in biosensors and microfluidics, but she is an inspiration to all children pursuing STEM interests through her involvement with Camp Invention.
May 20, 2019
School of Medicine IT is in the process of upgrading classrooms throughout the school as part of a project to modernize room technologies, create more uniform systems across rooms, and improve ease of use for the presenters. Read more for information about improved teaching technologies, classrooms impacted, and a tentative schedule.
January 25, 2018
Since 2008, UNC Hospitals has utilized TUG robots in the laboratory, which make deliveries inside and outside the lab. On Jan. 29, 2018, our fleet of autonomous mobile robots will begin to grow, eventually reaching a total of 18. These TUG robots will assist our support services teams with delivery activities.
September 22, 2016
On Thursday, Sept. 29, the Kronos icon in Citrix will be easier to access.