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HTSF Sponsored Bionano Genomics Webinar
October 7, 2021 @ 11:00 am - 12:00 pm
A webinar on Optical Genome Mapping, sponsored by the HTSF. The Bionano Genomics platform for genome imaging offers an extremely long-read technology, providing unmatched ability to detect structural variation and genomic rearrangements.
Examples will be presented of how Bionano’s platform is helping solve genetic mysteries for patients with undiagnosed genetic disorders, and how it elucidates genomic rearrangements in cancer that are missed by NGS and cytogenetic methods.
Amy Perou, 919-962-4395, aperou@med.unc.edu
Haley Hartsell, 919-962-4395, haley_hartsell@med.unc.edu
Ellie Kremer, 919-962-4395, ellie_kremer@med.unc.edu
Amy Dieterle, adieterle@bionanogenomics.com
Zoom call:
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