Week of Events
PROMISE study informational lunch session
PROMISE study informational lunch session
Are you an Assistant Professor (MD, PhD, DO, or equivalent) who identifies as racially/ethnically underrepresented (UR) AND you are engaged in biomedical research? If yes, then we invite you to attend a virtual information session to learn about the PROMISE research study and to meet the research team.
TraCS Clark Webinar 2.0
TraCS Clark Webinar 2.0
Introducing CLARK 2.0! CLARK 2.0 is a user friendly machine-learning classifier designed to answer a variety of translational research questions. This version of CLARK offers a new interface with additional features including the ability to analyze data based on both structured and unstructured data.
AOE/Wilmington Grand Rounds – Active Learning in Medical Education
AOE/Wilmington Grand Rounds – Active Learning in Medical Education
Join us for AOE/Wilmington Grand Rounds “Active Learning in Medical Education” with Dr. Susan Martinelli on Wednesday, November 17th, 2021, 8:00 – 9:00 AM EST. Objectives: Recognize benefits and barriers of active learning Interpret current evidence on active learning practices Be able to utilize active learning techniques in your teaching Register Now
Building Cancer Care Collaboratives for the Seventh Generation – Southeastern American Indian Cancer Health Equity Partnership (UNC Lineberger Cancer Network)
Building Cancer Care Collaboratives for the Seventh Generation – Southeastern American Indian Cancer Health Equity Partnership (UNC Lineberger Cancer Network)
Please join the UNCLCN for this Southeastern American Indian Cancer Health Equity Partnership lecture with Rodney Haring, PhD, MSW. Wednesday, November 17, from 12:00 to 1:00 PM. More information and registration at unclcn.org/saicep-20211117.
Leukemia Management in North Carolina: Updates for 2021 – Research to Practice (UNC Lineberger Cancer Network)
Leukemia Management in North Carolina: Updates for 2021 – Research to Practice (UNC Lineberger Cancer Network)
Please join the UNCLCN for this Research to Practice lecture with Matthew Foster, MD. Wednesday, November 17, from 12:00 to 1:00 PM. More information and registration at unclcn.org/11172021.
Research for Me Town Hall
Research for Me Town Hall
Research for Me continues to normalize research, break down barriers, and make it easier for people to engage with research, but we know there may still be questions about how it works. Join the Research for Me team for a Town Hall on November 17 from 12-1 p.m. to share your thoughts! Please submit your questions in advance to research_for_me@unc.edu.
TraCS Recruitment & Retention Program Drop-in Office Hours
TraCS Recruitment & Retention Program Drop-in Office Hours
The TraCS Research Recruitment & Retention program is now offering drop-in office hours every third Wednesday. Get quick answers to your recruitment questions via Zoom. Our recruitment specialists can help answer brief questions, review documents, or provide resources. Whether you need recruitment troubleshooting, have MyChart questions, or need help designing a flyer—drop in and we can help … Read more
Real World Evidence in the COVID Era: Pfizer’s vaccine approval for children
Real World Evidence in the COVID Era: Pfizer’s vaccine approval for children
Join the NC TraCS Comparative Effectiveness Research team and guest expert Cindy Gay, MD, MPH, to review and discuss the now available data on the safety and effectiveness of the Pfizer vaccine in children ages 5 - 11.
Reference materials for this discussion:
Pfizer briefing document for Advisory Committee meeting: https://www.fda.gov/media/153409/download
FDA benefit and risk analysis: https://www.fda.gov/media/153447/download
FPG Distinguished Speaker Series with Sandy Magaña — Culturally Tailoring Parent Mediated Interventions: An Iterative Process
FPG Distinguished Speaker Series with Sandy Magaña — Culturally Tailoring Parent Mediated Interventions: An Iterative Process
UNC’s Frank Porter Graham Child Development Institute is pleased to welcome Sandy Magaña as the second speaker in our 2021-2022 distinguished speaker series, Examining Equity and Diversity in the Field of Developmental Disabilities.
Promoting Effective Communication and Advance Care Planning for Patients with Cancer – Advanced Practice Provider (UNC Lineberger Cancer Network)
Promoting Effective Communication and Advance Care Planning for Patients with Cancer – Advanced Practice Provider (UNC Lineberger Cancer Network)
Please join the UNCLCN for this Advanced Practice Provider lecture with Gary Winzelberg, MD, MPH. Wednesday, November 17, from 4:00 to 5:00 PM. More information and registration at unclcn.org/11172021-2.
AOE Project ACCESS Webinar – Editor’s Perspective
AOE Project ACCESS Webinar – Editor’s Perspective
Join us for the Q4 Project ACCESS webinar on November 18th, 2021, 12:00 – 1:00 PM EST via Zoom with Dr. Sonia Crandell, Wake Forest University School of Medicine. Dr. Crandell is a Professor of PA Studies from the Wake Forest School of Medicine. Through her experience as a journal editor, her session will highlight educational scholarship … Read more
AOE Project ACCESS Webinar – A Journal Editor’s Perspective
AOE Project ACCESS Webinar – A Journal Editor’s Perspective
A Carolina Community Educational Scholarship Series We have lots to look forward to within the AOE community and are excited to be sharing these events with all of our new members! The Scholarship Committee is continuing Project ACCESS. We hope that these events will assist our AOE members to elevate the educational work they are already doing into scholarship. … Read more
2021 Norma Berryhill Distinguished Lecture
2021 Norma Berryhill Distinguished Lecture
Craig Fletcher DVM, PhD, Professor and Vice Chair in the UNC School of Medicine’s Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, Director of the Division of Comparative Medicine, Assistant Dean of Animal Research Resources, and Associate Vice Chancellor of Research, will deliver this year’s Norma Berryhill Distinguished Lecture. Please mark your calendars for the lecture, which … Read more
AOE Book Club – The Empathy Effect
AOE Book Club – The Empathy Effect
It's time to grab your copy of The Empathy Effect and prepare for AOE Book Club on Thursday, November 18th, 5:30 - 7:00 PM EST, facilitated by Dr. Ken Fortier. For the first time ever, you can join in-person (on-campus venue TBA) or virtually!
AOE Book Club – The Empathy Effect
AOE Book Club – The Empathy Effect
It's time to grab your copy of _The Empathy Effect_ and prepare for AOE Book Club on Thursday, November 18th, 5:30 - 7:00 PM EST, facilitated by Dr. Ken Fortier. For the first time ever, you can join in-person (on-campus venue TBA) or virtually! All are welcome to attend.
AOE Book Club – The Empathy Effect
AOE Book Club – The Empathy Effect
It's time to grab your copy of The Empathy Effect and prepare for AOE Book Club on Thursday, November 18th, 5:30 - 7:00 PM EST, facilitated by Dr. Ken Fortier. Register Now: https://unc.az1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_5na5yHyx5c8hSoC
2021 UNC Geriatric Oncology Symposium: Cancer and Aging
2021 UNC Geriatric Oncology Symposium: Cancer and Aging
Please join us for the 2021 UNC Geriatric Oncology Symposium: Cancer and Aging. This year's format is panels of speakers on specific topics, each with a moderator who will encourage Q&A among the panelists and with symposium audience. Topics include biomarkers of aging, treatment adherence and side effects, body composition, disparities, and fellow and resident research.
We hope to see you there!
PROMISE study informational lunch session
PROMISE study informational lunch session
Are you an Assistant Professor (MD, PhD, DO, or equivalent) who identifies as racially/ethnically underrepresented (UR) AND you are engaged in biomedical research? If yes, then we invite you to attend a virtual information session to learn about the PROMISE research study and to meet the research team.
Communication Skills: Effective Meetings
Communication Skills: Effective Meetings
The TraCS Professional Development Seminar series covers foundational skills useful for career development in clinical/translational research. It is split into 4 modules. In the Communication Skills module, learn more about delivering your message in research papers, gaining outside interest in your team and research program, and effectively utilizing various types of media to promote your … Read more