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To test our response to a large number of patients coming to the hospital at the same time, an emergency preparedness drill is planned on Sunday morning, April 8.

To test our response to a large number of patients coming to the hospital at the same time, an emergency preparedness drill is planned on Sunday morning, April 8.

Located at UNC Hospitals in Chapel Hill, the drill will:

  • Involve the Emergency Department, Operating Rooms, and multiple nursing units. Actors and simulators will portray patients. Unless previously identified as an active participant in the drill, no additional staffing is required for this exercise.
  • Take place in public areas. A member of the Drill Planning Team or sign holder will help inform bystanders that this is a drill.
  • Include several overhead announcements beginning with, “This is a drill. Repeat, this is a drill.”
  • Include a test email alert through the new SmartNotice Emergency Alert System. If you haven’t registered your cell or physical address with SmartNotice, complete registration now by looking for an email from on Friday morning, March 30.

Note – Due to construction, the entrances of Children’s, Women’s, and Neurosciences hospital entrances will be closed April 7 and 8. View details on the impact of the construction.

Please review your emergency preparedness plans (both personal and departmental plans) and help inform our patients and visitors of the drill.

Contact Dalton Sawyer with any questions or concerns about this drill.