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Dr. Shivanshu Madan UNC Cardiology fellow Dr. Shivanshu

Dr. Shivanshu Madan

UNC Cardiology fellow Dr. Shivanshu Madan is a Featured Fellow in TCTMD, where he is interviewed and discusses his fellowship at UNC, his career goals, and his love of medicine:

Throughout my medical career, I have encountered very sick patients and I have observed my mentors in interventional cardiology be very intelligent caregivers, whether it came to their medical decision-making or their technical and procedural skills. The thing I really fell in love with was the amount of love and care that went into educating and counseling patients and family members—what the procedure is going to be like for them, what they are going to experience, and then what to do to avoid long-term problems. It’s a very special thing that I’m sure is part of other fields of medicine, but I had a connection in this way with cardiology when I started out.

Read the full interview here.