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Meeting the Needs of Transgender Patients with Cancer – UNC Cancer Network Patient Centered Care Lecture

Please join the UNC Cancer Network for an online telehealth lecture with Alisha Terri Phoenix, PhD, and Patricia Morfeld, RN, BSN, OCN. Terri Phoenix, PhD, and Patricia Morfeld, RN, BSN, OCN, will discuss physical and psychological concerns of transgender patients who have active cancer or who are survivors. Session will address relevant terminology, recommended practices, and resources for continuing education.


Annual School of Medicine Faculty Meeting

The School of Medicine annual Faculty meeting takes place from 4 - 5 p.m. on Wednesday Oct. 14 via Zoom-to-YouTube. All faculty are encouraged to attend. Lookout for a link to connect to the meeting in the coming days.

Growing up with Siblings with Intellectual or Developmental Disabilities – a Panel Discussion”


“Growing up with Siblings with Intellectual / Developmental Disabilities – a Panel Discussion” Families of individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities have unique experiences. We often hear about these experiences from the parent perspective while the unique experiences of neurotypical siblings in these families are overlooked. Join us for a panel of siblings to learn from their point of view. This diverse panel of siblings will teach us about their experience as a sibling of an individual with I/DD — their challenges, strengths, relationships, attitudes, and how they might have a different perspective than others. Join Moderator, Jean Mankowski, PhD, and a panel of siblings for this discussion online! With: Sarah Palmer, Whitney Griffin, PhD, Zakiya Morris, Brook Galesic, and Zion Gardner

Introduction to Focus Groups


This interactive online workshop will provide an introduction to focus groups, a data collection method used in qualitative research. Topics covered will include focus group methodology, considerations for planning a focus group, development of focus group discussion guides, focus group facilitation skills, and tips for conducting virtual focus groups.


TraCS Introduction to Career Development Awards for Biomedical Researchers

This session is an introduction to NIH and foundation career development awards. The information presented will include examples of different types of awards, the structure of the application, assessing readiness to apply, grant preparation strategies, and resources.

The session will be recorded and individuals should still register if they cannot make the session but want access to the recording.

2020 Hettleman Talks

Enjoy four, 15-minute virtual presentations from each of the 2020 recipients of the Phillip and Ruth Hettleman Prizes for Scholarly Achievement. These TEDx-style talks will provide an engaging look into these distinguished early-career scholars’ work in the fields of computer science, music, urology, and history.